I don't have much trouble with Gmail. My problem is that I have multiple
accounts. Five Gmail accounts, one work account (that retirees are allowed
to keep), the hobby site account and my ISP account. So I have to have a
because each account has its own identity.
The ISP uses InrediMail, and it is beyond horrible. It makes Gmail look
Post by Bernie MaierPost by Paul SchmehlI have a log file of errors generated by Mulberry when trying to connect
to, retrieve from and move emails from my ISP. They use IncrediMail,
which has to be the worst IMAP server on the planet. It literally
crashes Mulberry when you get over 25 emails in your inbox.
I'm in the process of moving over to gmail, because my ISP email is
virtually unusable. I've been using Mulberry for years now, and no IMAP
server I've ever used has been so indescribably horrible.
Wow. There's a worse IMAP server than Gmail? Something that you'd use
Gmail as an IMAP server in preference to? Or do you mean just going the
whole hog to web mail rather than using a dedicated email client? The
reason I ask is that Gmail's IMAP conformance is legendarily bad. I've
actually given up using Mulberry for my work email, because all my work
accounts (at my employer and I have customer-hosted accounts too) are all
hosted on Gmail.
That said, I guess Gmail doesn't crash Mulberry (often, it can depend on
the attachments). But even without crashing, there are things I routinely
do as part of my personal email workflow that are completely broken by
Gmail's IMAP implementation (e.g. what appears to me to be Gmail's
non-deterministic assignment of UIDs in bulk copy / move operations).
If you want to your IMAP email hosted externally, I'd recommend a paid
service with a reputation for IMAP. I also am a happy FastMail customer
for many years now. They do suffer increasingly from DDOS attacks (what
service provider doesn't?), but I've never had any severe outages.
If you want free and externally hosted IMAP, there may still be some
niche providers out there.
If you just want to migrate to web mail, sure go to Gmail.
Whatever you do, getting off your ISP's email service is probably a smart
move. It saves hassle if you ever change ISPs.
I'd love to be one of the few still working on Mulberry, but
unfortunately I have to little time after work and my other existing
side-projects. And Mulberry is a non-trivial thing to tackle. And I don't
particularly like any of the cross-platform GUI options that would be
needed to modernise Mulberry.
Post by Paul SchmehlThings I need for my work flow include multiple identities and multiple
Yes, that's the killer Mulberry feature that I have never seen any other
client do at all well.
Post by Paul SchmehlIt is getting harder to find anything new. I see this one is imap only.
I only use IMAP, so that's not a problem for me. I was looking through
the changelog and found it handles multiple accounts by running multiple
instances. Which would be awkward if you move mail between accounts a
lot. Not something I normally do.
Moving between multiple accounts is core to the way I use email. So
Trojitá is out for me, even if it did run on macOS. Also, it's unclear
whether it attempts to sync the world on initial connection to a new IMAP
server, like a lot of clients want to do. At least it claims to be fast
about it if it does.
The thing with building / maintaining an email client these days is that
email is increasingly becoming a niche technology. Still a very big
niche, but lots of the stuff I used to do via email has (sadly) been
replaced by other technologies. So it's a big ask to work on an email
client these days.
are my own and not those of my employer.