[Mulberry-discuss] POP leave mail on server/not leave
2017-12-21 18:08:09 UTC
Hopefully this will be a simple answer. My usual MO is to use POP and download and
delete from server when checking mail. My computer is down so while in fixing mode,
I'm using a 2001 laptop. I switched that computer to
Mulberry>Prefs>Accounts>Options>Leave mail on server. So that the newer computer
when fixed will download the current emails.

What I've noticed in this current mode "Leave mail on server," is if I delete an
email in Mulberry, the next checking will download that email again. Mulberry is
keeping a matching mailbox to what's on the server. There's probably a second box I
didn't check.?

Mulberry 4.0.8
Mulberry from Spring 2002 to present
